Hì Horò na Boireannaich – Hì Horò the Women

Hì Horò na Boireannaich – drones in C

The structure of this melody is interesting – the first line is in C major, but the second line is in the relative key of A minor.

The video linked above has the drones tuned to C/G, which emphasizes the major line. Next is the same arrangement but with the drones tuned to A/E/A to emphasize the A minor line:

Hì Horò na Boireannaich – drones in A

It’s fascinating to hear how much the color and texture of the melody change against the different drones. As pipers we don’t often have much control over the harmonic structure of a piece, but in this case the drones provide us with the opportunity to interpret the key entirely. I’ll be looking for more opportunities to experiment with drones in this way.

Kenneth MacIver’s Singing

This arrangement is based on the singing of Kenneth MacIver. He was from Lewis and lived from 1924-1978. There are several excellent recordings of him in the School of Scottish Studies, and this is the first post of a series covering all of his recordings.

Here he is singing Hì Horò na Boireannaich: https://www.tobarandualchais.co.uk/track/101361?l=en

This song is “a humorous bachelor’s song which suggests that men are better off without women.” I’d love to have a transcription or translation of the lyrics to see what sort of humor is involved, but I have not been able to track any down.

Related Song

At least one other song shares the same air, with a different set of lyrics.

One example is A Ribhinn Oig Bheil Cuimhn Agad (Young One, Do You Remember?). Here are some arrangements of that to compare with.

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